Shipping Policy

We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition, and always on time. After placing an order, you will receive a confirmation call/email from our representative. Once your order is confirmed, it will immediately be dispatched. Normally the delivery takes 5 to 7 working days Nationwide. It may take additional time for International orders or some areas in Pakistan.

Please note the shipping policy adapted by

– COD Shipping available all over Pakistan.

– Credit & Debit Card Payment Available.

– Free Standard shipping for all orders above PKR 5,000/- Nationwide.

– We amend our policies time to time, please stay updated with us.

– Shipping charges are based on destination, size and weight of your order on international orders. Any customs duties or taxes, if applicable by the respective country’s officials will be borne by the customer.

In case the customer is not available upon delivery, a representative would call and act upon the instructions of the customer. The parcel can either be delivered on another time or dropped by at neighbors only upon receiving the payment.